Yesterday I started working from home again, now that the year end holidays are over. I still have a cough and some nasal congestion, so I continue being careful, not hugging and kissing my kids all over the place and drinking lots of fluids! By the end of the day of working, I was so tired (and so was Tom!) neither of us wanted to make dinner, so ordering Chinese takeout was the win of the night.
The boys started virtual classes again yesterday, so it’s a work in progress getting them back into the grove of things, but I know today they had some assignments that they needed to complete after school and they worked on getting them done together.
Tomorrow if I’m still congested, I’m going to make this apple cider tea I make to clear out my sinuses. I can’t believe I almost forgot about it! Here is the recipe:
- 2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- Juice of 1/2 a lemon
- 2 Tablespoons honey
- sprinkle of cinnamon
Put all four ingredients in a coffee/tea mug and pour boiling water over the top. Sip a few mugs of this throughout the day and it should break up all the congestion. I’ll be doing this tomorrow! I just pulled the apple cider vinegar out of the cabinet and put it on the counter so I don’t forget. I did the same with oatmeal, to remind me to make the boys oatmeal for breakfast as we are out of milk. The rest of the kitchen and dishes are clean, so I don’t mind having the two things out on the countertop.
Is there a special tea or hot toddy recipe you like when you are sick? Please feel free to share the recipe! I’d especially like to find something with tumeric.