My husband left for his new job in Austin early yesterday morning. He starts today and so far seems to be having a great time. I wish him lots of luck, but there is not enough coffee in the world for how tired I am after getting yesterday at 3:30AM today to leave the house at 4AM to take him to the airport. And also for the amount of work I need to do to get us all in the same town again.
My big job now, when I’m not doing my normal corporate job, is to declutter this house, so we are only moving what we need to take with us cross country. Today, after picking the boys up from going whitewater rafting with Scouts, I started cleaning out our bedroom. My husband had cleaned out his clothes before he left and had a large pile for donations. That is now in my car.

I also went through a bunch of other piles I had for donations and am filling up the back of my car to take it away tomorrow. Our trash goes out tonight, so I’m also making sure our trash and recycling are full to the brim.
I know the next thing I’ll need to do once I get through the small decluttering, will be large items that are either for trash or donations. We’re trying to see what family members are interested in furniture we don’t want to take with us, like the boys twin bunk beds. The boys are 5’4″ and twin beds are getting to be a tight fit! I know these items will go over time, as people can make arrangements to pick them up. On the large trash items, I’m going to try to put them all together in the basement, so when I can arrange for a pickup that can all be in one big swoop to take away.
Other than decluttering is the work on the house to do to make it ready to be put on the market. Stucco and septic inspections, new carpet/flooring, painting and other touch ups. It will get done but it’s exhausting managing that and my corporate job. Thank goodness the boys are done school now. No need to worry about where they are supposed to be and what activities they need to get to.
The last thing that’s hard is missing the husband. I woke up to an empty bed this morning and it was the first thought I had of the day. I know he misses us all too. I could hear it in his voice last night, so the boys and I called him a little later on FaceTime to make sure he knew how much we all love him. I FaceTimed with him this morning right before he went into the office. He sent me some pics of his new desk and a pic of the weather app where he is (high of 101F!), so I think he’s having a great time so far.
As I said, now is the hard part (and hard work!) to get this family together from Pennsylvania today, to Austin, TX tomorrow!