I can successfully say I’m 100% back!!! Thank goodness! I can feel my mojo is back and I’m ready to tackle life again. I think it helped that I found out in emails that another parent my boys’ age forgot today was the first day of classes for Confirmation. She was going to have her son volunteer at the Coffee and Donut Social at the church for Boy Scouts and emailed me to find out what time he should be there. I told her our boys would love to volunteer for that too, but they need to be at Confirmation class. She emailed me back a thank you for reminder her, as her son had to be there too! All of a sudden I realized, I’m pretty organized and together. I need to stop being so hard on myself.
The other thing that helped today was beginning to watch Angie Bellemare’s annual October Daily Grind videos. This is exactly what I needed today to propel me back to where I need to be. In Day 2, she talked about writing your 10 goals for the month. Every day, when setting your days priorities, you need to go off this list instead of just having a to do list of things that support other people’s goals. I used to do this and fell out of the habit. No wonder I feel so out of whack!!!
Therefore, I promptly today wrote out my 10 goals for this month. I’m sure there are lots of other things I could go after, but if I could focus on these 10 things, my life would be so much better:
- Organize my finance and bills
- Bring in an additional $4k this month
- Exercise daily – cardio 5x week; weights or yoga 3x
- Lose the first 5 lbs of the 10 I’d like to lose
- Practice and refine my daily and weekly routines
- Write daily blog posts and identify 50 regularly engaged readers
- Help support Tom in finding a new corporate job
- Organize the basement
- Organize Tom’s closet
- Build boundaries @ work with my time and energy. Keep my to dos for work organized and identify the top priorities to go after first
I’ll eventually talk about all these goals throughout the month, but first I’ll talk about my daily and weekly routines. I’ve been keeping these in Notion. I got the idea last year from MuchelleB to use Notion and somehow from her content got some Notion templates to use. I’ve been refining them, but I know they need some work and I need to stick to them. Notion does have a phone for the app, so I can sign in on my phone and make updates to my Notion content on the go as well. I am using it for tracking my Next Actions for all my projects as well. It also has sections for life info I need to keep track of. I’ve tried some other tools, like Trello, but I seem to like this one better. By the way, I also love her content as well for being productive, using routines and setting life admin days.
I’m off to make sure I do my morning routine, but as I go, want to ask if you have any goals set for the month of October? Have you heard of Angie Bellemare or Muchelle B? Do you find their content motivating?