Today was a bit of a crazy day! Time to take my mojo I got back and put it to use in the real world of a Monday working from home. Throw in a bit of my boys being sick and finding out they should have a COVID test at the doctor’s and can’t return to school until we have the results, which will most likely be during the day on Wednesday. That sums up my day, LOL.
I didn’t do my daily routines perfectly, but I got a workout in (36 minutes on the elliptical) and at the end of this day, dinner was made and the kitchen is clean! I also helped the boys with their school work to understand what they can or cannot do from home for the next couple of days, including shooting off some emails to their teachers. I also had a big win in a meeting today at work, and that has me super excited!!! I also did a great job logging off at 5:45pm. Forcing myself to stop working and that it will be there for me tomorrow.
I know I didn’t get to plan my day the Angie Bellemare way, but I did watch her video today and will definitely plan my day over coffee tomorrow using her prompts in my bullet journal tomorrow. I promise to share a pic of that page tomorrow. It will help with accountability!
Today was also Day 1 of the Mel Robbins High Five Challenge and that was awesome! I loved watching her video and she talked about at the beginning of COVID how she was spiraling down and wondering as she is taking care of everyone else she was wondering “Who’s taking care of me?” That is pretty much verbatim to things I said when I was freaking out to my husband last week and on Saturday of the weekend. I took my High Five selfie and introduced myself to the group. I’m very proud of the steps I’m taking to make my life better. Tomorrow is another day, and I did a great job attacking today!!! There is still time to join the challenge. Click the link and join right in. It’s free and only for the week!