I had already planned my word of the year in the last two weeks of 2020 … FREEDOM! Let’s be clear, one of the biggest things I need freedom from is myself. I want to have freedom to stop holding myself back and have the life I want, the body I want, the finances I want, the marriage I want, the family I want, the hobbies I want to nurture. I know I am most often what holds myself back and I’m ready to stop and be free to be me!
I’m going to be finishing the weekend planning building a Vision Board, setting up my goals for 2021, building the plan for how to go after them and I’ve already started working on some of the goals I know I have while I’ve been laid up in quarantine.
One of the other things I’m really happy to be a part of is with my corporate job. I signed up to do a training they offer called Fast Forward. There is online training, coaching sessions monthly and we’ve been assigned accountability partners. I did say hi to mine on work’s instant messenger before taking time off at the end of the year. The first online training module is about identifying your Inner Critic and working to silence her and reframing the stories we tell ourselves in our head. That really rings true for me.
In addition to my vision board, goals and Fast Forward training, I’ll be working on solidifying good routines. That sounds so counter-intuitive towards freedom, doesn’t it? But it’s not. I’m currently reading several books regarding habits and I know building good habits and routines will set me free to do all the things I want in my life, saving me time and energy! The books I’m reading in the beginning of the year to work on habits are as follows:
- The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg – the current book I’m reading, although I’ve read most of it before, but never finished
- The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin
- Switch by Chip Heath and Dan Heath (audiobook)
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
- Start with Why by Simon Sinek
- Limitless by Jim Kwik
- You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza (my only paper book – the rest are from Libby and my local library card!)
I plan on not only reading these books, but writing notes, doing all their exercises and gleaning every last bit of knowledge out of them, working them into my every day life and routines.
Do you have a word of the year for 2021? If so, what is it and why?